
What is the Easiest CRM to Use?

When it comes to choosing a CRM for a business, ease of use is one element that is far too often overlooked by business executives. It’s a crucial factor to consider too, especially when it’s one of the most important elements that will decide whether the CRM you choose for your business is a success or not.

Within the South African business landscape, having a CRM that is easy to use and easy to learn is critical. If your team members are struggling to understand how the system works, they’re going to be left frustrated with it. The last thing you want is for your business to put in all the time, money and effort into finding the perfect CRM and implementing it, only for it to be unusable by your team.

So, how do you find a CRM that is easy to use? There are several factors that you can consider when looking at different CRMs. At the end of the day, you need to look beyond just the everyday reviews and user comments. That’s because every business is unique, and what might be working for one business, might not work for another. Keep reading to see what you need to look out for if you want to find a CRM that’s easy to use.

How CRM Features Affect Ease of Use

CRM systems are often divided into two different categories. The first is the “Enterprise” division, which is for larger businesses that have bigger budgets. These are CRMs that are usually rich in features, but that also makes them more complex and difficult to use. Enterprise CRMs are designed to be more powerful, so they come with tons of benefits, but for the average small to medium business (SMB), it’s not worth taking on one of these CRMs.

The second CRM category is SMB CRM. These are ideal for smaller businesses that might not need as many features, and they need a CRM that is not as complex as an Enterprise CRM. SMB CRMs have a significantly easier learning curve compared to their Enterprise counterparts, so it’s a better CRM to adopt if you have a team that needs to get to grips with the system quickly.

In reality, you don’t need a CRM with all the bells and whistles in order for it to be successful. You need to make sure that the CRM is implemented correctly, and that your team is using it effectively if you want it to be a success.

The Best SMB CRMs

There are hundreds of CRMs on the market, and choosing one for your business can be tough. Here are three of the best CRMs for small to medium-sized businesses:

There are other CRMs for SMBs on the market, but these are the most popular systems that are widely adopted in South Africa. If you’re looking for enterprise-level CRMs, you can look further into Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics. However, these are not only more complex CRM systems but also more expensive.

How User Experience Affects the Ease of Use

When you think about the systems that you use on a daily basis, you always feel more inclined to use the one that makes you feel comfortable and that you understand. Take Apple and Android for example. Apple has a far more streamlined and simplistic system when it comes to the user’s experience, and that is what makes them an incredibly popular choice compared to Android devices. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages to both systems, but what we’re referring to here is the sheer simplicity and ease of use of the system.

The same goes for a CRM system. The system will be more widely accepted by your team if it’s easy to use. The simpler and easier the system is to use, the more it will enhance your team’s productivity. Ultimately, this will ensure that your team continues to use the system because at the end of the day, it needs to add value to their daily lives.

Ensure There is Support From the CRM

Another factor to keep in mind is that you need to have support for the CRM. Whether it’s local or international support, you want to be sure that if you and your team get stuck with the CRM, you can get in touch with an expert that can help you at any time.

Some CRMs such as Hubspot, have academies and online learning resources that take you through all the basics of using their CRM. Having these resources available is excellent for onboarding team members and even learning how to utilise the CRM to its maximum potential.


One of the most often overlooked aspects of a CRM is its ease of use. Many CRM systems are complex and have a steep learning curve, which makes it more difficult for your team to adopt the system. Ultimately, your team needs to be comfortable using the CRM, and they need to be able to get to grips with it quickly. If you’re struggling to find a CRM that is easy to use, make sure to get in touch with a GoCRM expert for more detail.

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